- Good Morning Blues: The Autobiography of Count Basie
- Stomping the Blues
- The Omni-Americans: New Perspectives on Black Experience and American Culture
- South to a Very Old Place
- Collected Essays & Memoirs: The Omni-Americans / South to a Very Old Place / The Hero and the Blues / Stomping the Blues / The Blue Devils of Nada / From the Briarpatch File / Other Writings
- Lillian Ross
- Eric J. Sundquist
- Andrzej Szczypiorski
- Kristin Rowe-Finkbeiner
- Willem Elsschot
- Ben Jones
- Suzanne Desrochers
- Edie Meidav
- Ciaran Carson
- Sidney Offit
- Ellen Skinner
- Kedhane Nannaerl
- Jane Gallop
- Anne Phillips
- Bernard W. Bell
- Anna Julia Cooper
- Joseph Westlund
- Evelyne Trouillot
- Illona Linthwaite
- Shawn Meghan Burn