Disability and Managed Care: Problems and Opportunities at the End of the Century
$25.99 - $87.23
Health Care Financing for Severe Developmental Disabilities (Monographs of the American Association on Mental Retardation)
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Managed Care
Wounded Profession: American Medicine Enters the Age of Managed Care
Norms and human behavior (Viewpoints in sociology)
Putting Health Care on the National Agenda
$54.69 - $109.44
A Nation Apart: The African-American Experience and White Nationalism
$56.72 - $180.00
Community Services for the Mentally Retarded
Out of Stock
Remaking Chronic Care in the Age of Health Care Reform: Changes for Lower Cost, Higher Quality Treatment
Resettling retarded adults in a managed community (Praeger special studies in U.S. economic, social, and political issues)
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