- The Arkansas Coal Field: With Reports On The Paleontology
- Clavis Universalis: Or, a New Inquiry After Truth [ed. by T. Maitland]....
- Of justification by faith, as in opposition to justification by works: in a sermon upon Romans i. verse 17. preached at the cathedral-church of Sarum. July 8. 1716. By Arth. Collier, ...
- Metaphysical Tracts by English Philosophers of the Eighteenth Century: Consisting of 1. Clavis Universalis; 2. a Specimen of True Philosophy, by Arthur Collier; 3. Conjecturae Quaedam de Sensu, Motu,
- A Specimen of True Philosophy; in a Discourse on Genesis the Fifth Chapter and the First Verse. By Arth. Collier,