- Composition: Understanding Line, Notan and Color
- Harmony of Reflected Light: The Photographs of Arthur Wesley Dow
- Composition, Part 1
- Composition: A Series of Exercises In Art Structure [Full Color Facsimile of Revised and Enlarged Edition]
- Composition; a Series of Exercises in Art Structure for the Use of Students and Teachers
- Melody Petersen
- Walter Bruce
- Mario Cooper
- John C. Doornkamp
- Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec
- Anthony Ryder
- Barbara Buhler Lynes
- George E. Berkley
- Mary Whyte
- Henry Rankin Poore
- Christopher Hegarty
- Eleanor B. Wunderlich
- Susan Landauer
- Ted Seth Jacobs
- Frank Kingdon Ward
- Thomas W. Schaller
- The Royal Watercolour Society
- Nicola Bruno
- Joseph Masheck
- Augusto Garau