Barrington Moore Jr.
#49 in Democracy
- Social Origins Of Dictatorship And Democracy: Lord And Peasant In The Making Of The Modern World
- A Critique of Pure Tolerance
- Injustice: The Social Bases of Obedience and Revolt
- Reflections on the Causes of Human Misery and Upon Certain Proposals to Eliminate Them
- Moral Purity and Persecution in History
- Susan L. Carpenter
- Carnes Lord
- Joel D. Aberbach
- Chris Hurley
- Scott W. Carmichael
- Tennent H. Bagley
- Nicholas Tchkotoua
- M. Wesley Shoemaker
- Chris Cox
- Yo'av Karny
- Oliver Bullough
- Hoyt N. Wheeler
- John J. Dziak
- Liah Greenfeld
- Ephraim Kam
- Wesley M. Shoemaker
- Liping Fang
- David C. Unger
- James J. Wirtz
- Michael J. Houston