NASA Skylab Owners' Workshop Manual: 1969 to 1979 (all models) - An insight into the history, design, development and operation of the first US manned space station
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Strategic Nuclear Weapons
NASA Mercury - 1956 to 1963 (all models): An insight into the design and engineering of Project Mercury - America's first manned space programme
$32.89 - $44.12
Inside the Mars Rover
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NASA Mars Rovers Manual: 1997-2013
M1Ai Abrams Tank
US Spy Satellites Owners' Workshop Manual
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Rocket Manual: All types and models 1926-2013
Road Cycling Manual: The Ultimate Guide to Preparing You and Your Bike for the Road
North American X-15 Owner's Workshop Manual: All types and models 1959-1968
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Tupelo (Images of America: Mississippi)
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NASA Hubble Space Telescope - 1990 onwards (including all upgrades): An insight into the history, development, collaboration, construction and role of the Earth-orbiting space telescope
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Soyuz: Owner's Workshop Manual 1967-2014
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How Glasses Caught a Killer
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M113 Armed Personnel Vehicle
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Soviet Forces in Space
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Smith: The Lonely Porcupine
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Infiltration & Spying
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Earth Manual: a step-by-step guide to how it works
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Digital Information Strategies: From Applications and Content to Libraries and People
Show Me Your Environment: Essays on Poetry, Poets, and Poems
Bebop Jazz Solos: Correlated with Volumes 10 & 13 of the Jamey Aebersold's Play-A-Long Series (Concert Key Instruments)
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Jazz Bass Clef Expressions & Explorations: A New and Innovatine System for Learning to Improvise for Bass Clef Instruments & Jazz Cello
Innovation in Libraries and Information Services
HMS Warrior Manual
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Britain and the Crisis of the European Union
Peacetime War Stories
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The Adventures of Midge the Mouse, 'Friendship never melts.'
Inside the International Space Station
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Hymns and Hymn Singing
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