- The Frugal Editor: Put your best book forward to avoid humiliation and ensure success
- The Frugal Book Promoter: How to get nearly free publicity on your own or by partnering with your publisher
- The Frugal Book Promoter - 3rd Edition: How to get nearly free publicity on your own or by partnering with your publisher
- How to Get Great Book Reviews Frugally and Ethically: The ins and outs of using free reviews to build and sustain a writing career
- The Frugal Editor: Do-It-Yourself Editing Secrets: From Your Query Letters to Final Manuscript to the Marketing of Your New Bestseller
- Louisa May Alcott
- Jules Verne
- Frances Hodgson Burnett
- Mary Dan Eades
- Michael R. Eades
- Thomas R. Arp
- Johann David Wyss
- Richard Francis Burton
- Thomas Keating
- Laurence Perrine
- Corinne T. Netzer
- David Perlmutter
- David Miller
- Charles Kingsley
- Inazō Nitobe
- William Froug
- A.L. Sadler
- Harry Cook
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- Daidōji Yūzan