Transboundary Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
The State of Technological Innovation Related to the Electric Grid
S. 33, the Lng Permitting Certainty and Transparency ACT
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Importing Energy, Exporting Jobs
Critical Minerals Policy ACT
Electric grid reliability
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The Status of Innovative Technologies Within the Automotive Industry
Blm Permit Processing
Resources as Revenue
Outer continental shelf production
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U.S. Crude Oil Export Policy
Islanded energy systems : energy and infrastructure challenges and opportunities in Alaska, Hawaii, and the U.S. territories
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The Status of Innovative Technologies in Advanced Manufacturing
The Potential Modernization of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and Related Energy Security Issues
The Status of Advanced Nuclear Technologies
The nomination of the Honorable Rick Perry to be Secretary of Energy
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The Potential Impacts of Large-Scale Monument Designations
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Access to Oil - The United States Relationships With Saudi Arabia and Iran