- Kiss FAQ: All That's Left to Know about the Hottest Band in the Land
- The Worst We Can Find: MST3K, RiffTrax, and the History of Heckling at the Movies
- MASH FAQ: Everything Left to Know about the Best Care Anywhere
- Black Diamond: The Unauthorized Biography of Kiss
- Armageddon Films FAQ: All That's Left to Know about Zombies, Contagions, Aliens, and the End of the World as We Know It!
- Kelly Eileen Hake
- Tracey Bateman
- Andrea Boeshaar
- Vickie McDonough
- Gene Stratton-Porter
- Margaret Brownley
- Debra Ullrick
- Liz Johnson
- Susan K. Downs
- Sharon Fiffer
- Erica Vetsch
- Pamela Kaye Tracy
- Michelle Ule
- Liz Tolsma
- Leigh Montville
- Therese Stenzel
- Mickey Herskowitz
- Teresa Warfield
- Chet Flippo
- Lorianne Crook