- Physical Computing: Sensing and Controlling the Physical World with Computers
- Wikipedia: A New Community of Practice?
- The Reluctant Ambassador: The Life and Times of Sir Thomas Chaloner, Tudor Diplomat
- Reconceptualising Educational Assessment: Integrating Mind, Culture, Learning and Assessment
- An Elizabethan Adventurer: The Remarkable Life of Sir Anthony Sherley
- Jean Andrews
- Giles Milton
- Ernest Matthew Mickler
- Elizabeth McKeon
- Robert J. Traister
- Michael Graves
- Michael Tepper
- Bernard E. Jones
- Agnes Lackovic Daluge
- Hilmar Von Campe
- Houston Junior Woman's Club
- Mannie Horowitz
- John Poulton
- F.J. Britten
- John W. Poulton
- Robert Lynch
- William J. Dally
- Frank W. Coggins
- Lawrence D. Collins
- Carol Vogler Bright