- The Astrological Houses: The Spectrum of Individual Experience
- The Moon, The Cycles and Fortunes of Life
- Astrology of Personality: A Reformulation of Astrological Concepts and Ideals in Terms of Contemporary Psychology and Philosophy
- Practice of Astro (A Pelican book)
- An Astrological Mandala: The Cycle of Transformations and its 360 Symbolic Phases
- Michele Aue
- Kenneth Irving
- Nicholas Campion
- B. Michelaard
- Leslie A. Miller
- Allan Edmonds
- The Crew of Pike Place Fish
- Paula Brown
- Philip Jackisch
- Peter E. Furst
- Mary Fortier Shea
- Alexander Ruperti
- Maurice McCann
- Courtney Roberts
- Philip E. Lewis
- Farnoosh Torabi
- Edward James
- Bryan Jarr
- Mercedes Viale Ferrero
- ̌ Michl̈e Au