- Conflict Resolution
- Managing Differences: How to Build Better Relationships at Work and Home
- Three Ropes for Hanging
- Memoirs of Eminently Pious Women, Who Were Ornaments to Their Sex, Essings to Their Families
- A Discourse Delivered in the First Presbyterian Church in Newburyport, on Tuesday, Nov. 19, 1844: It Being the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Author's Ordination.
- Steven Saylor
- Judith Guest
- John F. Kennedy
- Kamala Markandaya
- Erik Christian Haugaard
- George R. Stewart
- Laurie E. Rozakis
- Brian Singer-Towns
- Janet Claussen
- Robert Heller
- Ferdinand F. Fournies
- Marshall J. Cook
- Joan Goldsmith
- Elwood N. Chapman
- Kenneth Cloke
- George Fuller
- Clay Carr
- George T. Fuller
- Cliff Goodwin
- Clare Vanbrandwijk