- Starfish, Urchins, & Other Echinoderms (Animal Kingdom Classification)
- Snails, Shellfish, & Other Mollusks (Animal Kingdom Classification)
- Life-size Sharks
- Sponges, Jellyfish, & Other Simple Animals (Animal Kingdom Classification) (Animal Kingdom Classification)
- The Illlustrated Encyclopedia of Fish & Shellfish of the World: A Natural History Identification Guide to the Diverse Animal Life of Deep Oceans, Open Seas, Reefs, Estuaries, Shorelines, Ponds, Lakes
- Victoria Kosara
- Rob Leicester Wagner
- Janet Halfman
- Elizabeth Loredo
- Nanette Newman
- Melanie Votaw
- Edward Quinn
- Augusto Macchetto
- Inc. Raphael Sagalyn
- Janice Moore
- Bryn Barnard
- Diana Pomeroy
- Billy Frolick
- Susan McCarthy
- Kathy Feeny
- John David Krygelski
- Deirdre Langeland
- Henry Fountain
- Bryan Hodgson
- Paul Batson