The Night Larry Kramer Kissed Me
$5.69 - $14.57
Strangers and Lovers
Tommy Powers and the Mutant Stranger (Tommy Powers Superhero)
Tommy Powers and the Sorcerer of Akmindo Teeki
Replacement Kid
Tommy Powers and the Sage of the Calibrators
Too Late!
David: A teenboy's search for meaning
The Haunted House on Hawthorn Hill
The Boys of Freedom Island
Kidd's Grand Adventure
Disaster at Disappearing Creek: A novel for teenagers
Tommy Powers and the Replicator of Rio Azul
Quest: Eleven Rivers to Cross
The Greedy Ghost of the Golden Dutchman
The Pony Express Rides Again
The Chipper of Oakton Villa
The Boys' Great Adventure
The Mystery of the Crimson Bandit
Jericho and Red Eagle's Dangerous Journeys: Two boys adventures in the old west
The Mystery of Gallagher's Ghost
The Mystery of the Treasure on Doubloon Island
The Mystery of the Duke's Diamonds
The Mystery of the Ghost Ship of Windsor Island
The Book
Brothers on the Run: A Terrifying Journey
The Edge: a diary of terror
Kevin Kress - teen detective