- Fundamentals of Kayak Navigation
- Celestial Navigation: A Home Study Course
- Modern Marine Weather: From Time Honored Maritime Traditions to the Latest Technology, 2nd Edition
- Emergency Navigation: Pathfinding Techniques for the Inquisitive and Prudent Mariner
- Inland and Coastal Navigation: For Power-driven and Sailing Vessels
- Don Rosenthal
- Anne Makepeace
- Mary Gerard
- Jack Lagan
- Martha Rosenthal
- Elizabeth Ann O'Sullivan
- Rex C. Buchanan
- Stephen Dashew
- Daniel Greenberg
- ACM IV Security Services
- Earl R. Hinz
- Thomas M. Scott
- Brad Lovering
- David Langworthy
- Hans Hoting
- Linda Dashew
- Peter I. Yanev
- Asta Bowen
- Aleksander Wat
- James R. McCauley