In Another Country
$4.89 - $19.77
Beacons: Stories for Our Not So Distant Future
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Poetry: The Literary Agenda
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Fields of Fire: A Life of Sir William Hamilton
$4.89 - $8.09
In the Footsteps of the Gods: Travelers to Greece and the Quest for the Hellenic Ideal
Protest: Stories of Resistance
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The Life-Writer
$7.49 - $12.71
Tea at the Midland and Other Stories
Something for the Ghosts
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Centres of Cataclysm: Celebrating 50 Years of Modern Poetry in Translation
Hyphen: Anthology of Short Stories by Poets
The Shieling
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Caspar Hauser: A Poem in Nine Cantos
Spaced, Displaced: Deplacements Degagements (Bloodaxe Contemporary French Poets, Vol 3)
$14.69 - $15.72
A Living Language (Newcastle/Bloodaxe Poetry Series)
The Dressing-up Box
Introductions (Modern Poetry in Translation, Third Series)
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When I was Touched by Love
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Rivers of the Unspoilt World
A Brightness to Cast Shadows
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A Bird Called Elaeus: Poems for Here and Now from the Greek Anthology
Metamorphoses: Third Series (Modern Poetry in Translation, Third Series)
Selected Poems
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Under the Dam: And Other Stories
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poetry book society anthology 1988/1989
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Collected Poems
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