- A Different Kind of War: The United States Army in Operation Enduring Freedom, October 2001 - September 2005
- Vanguard of Valor. Volume II: Small Unit Actions in Afghanistan
- 16 Cases of Mission Command
- On Point II: Transition to the New Campaign: The United States Army in Operation IRAQI FREEDOM, May 2003-January 2005
- Vanguard of Valor Volume II: Small Unit Actions in Afghanistan:
- Robert D. Ramsey III
- James Field
- Steven E. Clay
- Louis Joseph Vionnet
- John J. Tierney Jr.
- Erhard Raus
- Paul Seabury
- Gilad Sharon
- Malham M. Wakin
- Marc Trachtenberg
- David Jablonsky
- Robert L. Eichelberger
- James L. Morrison Jr.
- Richard W. Steele
- Chris Gainor
- Peter McAleese
- Walter Millis
- Jon Tetsuro Sumida
- Stiphane Audoin-Rouzeau
- Canadian Defence Academy