Becoming a Translator: An Introduction to the Theory and Practice of Translation
$7.09 - $180.00
Becoming A Translator: An Accelerated Course
Ring Lardner and the Other
$7.49 - $151.48
The Translator's Turn (Parallax: Re-visions of Culture and Society)
$11.99 - $13.39
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Translation and Empire (Translation Theories Explored)
$13.59 - $180.00
American Apocalypses: The Image of the End of the World in American Literature
$27.09 - $30.99
Rites of Passage
$22.00 - $23.31
Exorcising Translation: Towards an Intercivilizational Turn
$48.97 - $148.06
Feeling Extended: Sociality as Extended Body-Becoming-Mind
$10.09 - $10.49
Critical Translation Studies
The Deep Ecology of Rhetoric in Mencius and Aristotle: A Somatic Guide
Translation & Taboo
$30.83 - $43.61
Western Translation Theory: From Herodotus to Nietzsche
$37.39 - $180.00
Mosaic Souls
Transgender, Translation, Translingual Address (Literatures, Cultures, Translation)
$54.63 - $181.63
Silently Comes the Night (Library Ed.)
The Strange Loops of Translation
$48.97 - $148.31
Translation as a Form: A Centennial Commentary on Walter Benjamin’s “The Task of the Translator”
Translation as a Form
Introducing Performative Pragmatics
$56.72 - $180.00
Performative Linguistics: Speaking and Translating as Doing Things with Words
$66.99 - $180.00
Priming Translation: Cognitive, Affective, and Social Factors
$59.78 - $160.00
The Last Days of Maiju Lassila
The Behavioral Economics of Translation
$59.78 - $160.00
The Experimental Translator
The Dao of Translation: An East-West Dialogue
$60.80 - $210.00
Majken's Story
Displacement and the Somatics of Postcolonial Culture
$35.89 - $40.24