Sketches of some booksellers of the time of Dr. Samuel Johnson (The English book trade)
Copyright, National And International: With Some Remarks On The Position Of Authors And Publishers
$15.59 - $22.69
By Meadow And Stream: Pleasant Memories Of Pleasant Places
$25.95 - $40.82
Days In Clover
$19.97 - $30.95
Fishing for Pleasure and Catching It
Out of Stock
An Old Man's Holidays
$18.77 - $25.95
Fresh Woods and Pastures New
$19.97 - $30.95
Thomas Ken and Izaak Walton, a sketch of their lives and family connection
$22.95 - $45.60
Frank's Ranche; or, My Holiday in the Rockies, Being a Contribution to the Inquiry Into What We Are to Do With Our Boys
$19.23 - $28.95
Easy-chair memories and rambling notes
On a sunshine holyday
$18.77 - $31.95
Fishing for Pleasure and Catching It
$20.34 - $40.82
An Amateur Angler's Days in Dove Dale: Or, How I Spent My Three Weeks' Holiday.
$19.40 - $30.95
How Does it Feel to be Old
$18.15 - $29.95
Dove Dale Revisited: With Other Holiday Sketches
$24.95 - $32.95
After Work: Fragments from the Workshop of an Old Publisher
$36.95 - $50.19
Sketches of Booksellers of Other Days
$24.95 - $26.95