On the Art of the Theatre
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Craig on Theatre (Performance Books)
$14.09 - $36.33
Towards a New Theatre; Forty Designs for Stage Scenes
Index to the Story of My Days: Some memoirs of Edward Gordon Craig
Henry Irving
Gordon Craig on movement and dance
Out of Stock
Henry Irving, Ellen Terry, Etc
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Ellen Terry and her Secret Self
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A Living Theatre: the Gordon Craig School, the Arena Goldoni, the Mask; Setting Forth the Aims and Objects of the Movement and Showing by Many Illustrations the City of Florence [and] the Arena
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The Ghosts in the Tragedies of Shakespeare - Primary Source Edition
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The Theatre—Advancing
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The Page
Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland und die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. Politische, soziale und wirtschaftliche Beziehungen im Wandel
The Page; Volume 1