- Field Guide to the Grasses, Sedges, and Rushes of the Northern United States
- Identify Trees and Shrubs by Their Leaves
- Mosquitoes, Gnats, Craneflies, Midges and Flies of the Northern States
- The Grasses, Sedges and Rushes of the Northern United States, Illustrated: An Easy Method of Identification
- Field Key to the Land Birds
- Launi K. Anderson
- Ashley English
- Robert L. Mooers
- James Stark
- Mark B. Bush
- Charles McIlvaine
- Pat Choate
- Roger A Morse
- Lois Marie Gibbs
- Larry C. Porter
- Connie Krochmal
- Peter D. Stiling
- Arnold Krochmal
- Andy Parle
- Sheri Ann Richerson
- Virginia H. Gurley
- Jake Eastham
- Fred Downham
- Marietta King
- Robert Cuthbert