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Selected Writings of Edward Sapir in Language, Culture, and Personality
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Sapir, Edward: The Collected Works: Volume 1: General Linguistics (The Collected Wroks of Edward Sapir)
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Minor Vocabularies of Tutelo and Saponi (American Language Reprints, 26)
Wishram Texts V2: Together With Wasco Tales And Myths
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Takelma Texts
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Noun Reduplication in Comox, a Salish Language of Vancouver Island
The Collected Works of Edward Sapir: American Indian Languages 1 (Collected Works of Edward Spair)
The Collected Works of Edward Sapir Vol. VI: American Indian Languages II (Collected Works of Edward Spair)
Dreams and Gibes
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The Collected Works of Edward Sapir: 7
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The Takelma Language of Southwest Oregon
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Time Perspective in Aboriginal American Culture: A Study in Method
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Yana Texts
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The Psychology of Culture: A Course of Lectures
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Takelma Texts And Notes On Chasta Costa Phonology And Morphology
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A Navaho Sand Painting Blanket
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The Collected Works of Edward Sapir
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Notes on Chasta Costa Phonology and Morphology
A Sketch of the Social Organization of the Nass River Indians
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Abnormal Types of Speech in Nootka; Noun Reduplication in Comox, a Salish Language of Vancouver Island
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Takelma Texts; Volume 2
Takelma Texts; Volume 2
Selected Writings of Edward Sapir in Language, Culture and Personality
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A Type of Athabaskan Relative; and, The Phonetics of Haida.
The Collected Works of Edward Sapir: 7
Wishram Texts
English Language: An Introduction to the Study of Speech
Taal. Ingeleid, Vertaald En Van Een Aanvullende Bibliografie Voorzien Door P. Swiggers
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