- The Father of Prestressed Concrete: Oral History Transcript: Teaching Engineers, Bridging Rivers and Borders, 1931 to 1999 / 2001
- Geologist: Engineering and Mining Journal, Marshall Plan, Cyprus Mines Corporation, and Stanford University, 1922-1980: Oral History Transcript / 1989
- Reporting on California's gold mines for the State Division of Mines and Geology, 1951-1979: oral history transcript / 199 - Primary Source Edition
- Managing Copper Mines in Chile: Braden, Codelco, Minerc, Pudahuel; Developing Controlled Bacterial Leaching of Copper From Sulfide Ores: 1941-1993: Oral History Transcript / 199
- Mining Lawyer and Executive: Oral History Transcript: U. S. Potash Company, U. S. Borax, 1933-1962 / 1986