- When Will My Grown-Up Kid Grow Up?: Loving and Understanding Your Emerging Adult
- Sisters: Shared Histories, Lifelong Ties
- Reunion: The Girls We Used to Be, the Women We Became
- Sisters: Love and rivalry inside the family and beyond
- I Swore I'd Never Do That!: Recognizing Family Patterns & Making Wise Parenting Choices
- Mary-Lou Weisman
- Nancy Jensen
- Richard D. Logan
- Frances FitzGerald
- Warren Adler
- Raymond F. Toliver
- Melanie Thorne
- Meghan O'Rourke
- Florence Falk
- Maryann Bucknum Brinley
- Dolores Curran
- Heather Havrilesky
- Horace Kephart
- Michael Popkin
- John O. Koehler
- Val Holley
- Kay Willis
- Carol Tomlinson-Keasey
- David Willman
- Maria Von Couver