- Black Sheep and Kissing Cousins: How Our Family Stories Shape Us
- A Boy I Once Knew: What a Teacher Learned from her Student
- An Invitation to Entertain: Recipes for Gracious Parties
- Turkey Old and New: Historical, Geographical and Statistical, Volume 1
- Chronicles of Fashion, from the Time of Elizabeth to the Early Part of the Nineteenth Century, in Manners, Amusements, Banquets, Costumes. Vol. I.
- Ichirou Ohkouchi
- Ivan Reitman
- Anthony Quinn
- Gerard Dente
- Jacquelyn Aldana
- Goro Taniguchi
- Subcomandante Marcos
- Alex Marciniszyn
- Yasuhiro Kano
- Joseph W. Bartlett
- Harold W. Percival
- Jerry Mason
- Anne Higonnet
- Erik Yuzwa
- Trish Ledoux
- F. Wesley Schneider
- Marcos Martín
- Tanya Holland
- Travis Stout
- Joshua Kennon