Judged by the Vampires
$11.69 - $13.20
Imprisoned by the Vampires
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Embrace of the Vampires
Loved by the Vampires
Indebted to the Vampires
Witching on a Star
Betrayed by Hell
Protected by the Vampires
My Soul To Take: A Ghost Paranormal Reverse Harem
$10.39 - $11.93
Tempted by the Butler
Wanted by the Vampires
Huntress of the Vampires
$11.69 - $13.20
Pounding Earth
Rapunzel Untamed
Riding Lightning
Heaven's Most Wanted
Just Witch It
$13.20 - $14.99
Swallowing Fire
$13.20 - $15.69
Bound By Hell
The Beast of the Fae Court
Chasing Rabbits
$16.37 - $26.14
Marked by Hell
Until Sunset
Heaven's Embrace
Witch You Were Here
$16.37 - $16.43
Little Morning Star
Grinding Frost
$13.20 - $16.09
Chasing Shadows
$13.20 - $22.72