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The Religion of an Educated Man
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Abendstunden: Religiöse Betrachtungen - Primary Source Edition
Die Religion Eines Gebildeten (1905)
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Abendstunden: Religiose Betrachtungen (1902)
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Sundays In College Chapels Since The War: Sermons And Addresses...
Education and National Character
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Jesus Christ and the Christian Character
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Education for Life
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Jesus Christ and the social question, an examination of the teaching of Jesus in its relation to some of the problems of modern social life
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Reminiscences of present-day saints (Essay index reprint series)
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The Social Museum As An Instrument Of University Teaching
Sunday evenings in the college chapel; sermons to young men
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The Liquor Problem
The Christian Life in the Modern World
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The Message of Christ to Manhood; Being the William Belden Noble Lectures for 1898
Morgenandachten Fur Studenten (1900)
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Akademische Gegenseitigkeit
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The Perfecting of the Promise: A Sermon
Approach to the Social Questions.
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The Social Museum As an Instrument of University Teaching
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The University Hymn Book: For Use in the Chapel of Harvard University
Mornings in the College Chapel; Short Addresses to Young Men on Personal Religion