- The Principles Of Algebra: By William Frend
- The Canadian freeholder: in three dialogues between an Englishman and a Frenchman, settled in Canada. Shewing the sentiments of the bulk of the ... on the Boston-charter act; and an attem
- Additional Papers Concerning the Province of Quebeck: Being an Appendix to the Book Entitled, "An Account of the Proceedings of the British and Other Protestant Inhabitants of the Province of Quebeck
- The Canadian Freeholder: In Two Dialogues Between an Englishman and a Frenchman, Settled in Canada: Shewing the Sentiments of the Bulk of the Freeholders of Canada Concerning the Late Quebeck-ACT, wit
- The Canadian Freeholder: In Two Dialogues Between an Englishman and a Frenchman, Settled in Canada: Shewing the Sentiments of the Bulk of the Freeholders of Canada Concerning the Late Quebeck-ACT, wit