- Times of the Technoculture: From the Information Society to the Virtual Life
- Journalists Under Fire: Information War and Journalistic Practices
- Information Technology: A Luddite Analysis (Communication and Information Science)
- Anti-War Activism: New Media and Protest in the Information Age (New Security Challenges)
- The Technical Fix: Education, Computers and Industry
- H. Kent Puckett
- Abraham Joshua Heschel
- Wu Cheng'en
- Catherine Levison
- Ann Herbert Scott
- Alfred Adler
- Anita Harnadek
- Pearl Cassell
- Manuel Castells
- Shulamith Levey Oppenheim
- Robert Blair Kaiser
- Pam Leo
- Marguerite Beecher
- Bert R. Boyce
- Dreikurs
- Charles T. Meadow
- John Breeding
- Willard Beecher
- Donald H. Kraft
- Brad Blanton