- On the Functions of the Cerebellum
- Some Account of Dr. Gall's New Theory of Physiognomy, Founded Upon the Anatomy and Physiology of the Brain, and the Form of the Skull: With the Critical Strictures of C.W. Hufeland, M.D
- On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts: With Observations on the Possibility of Determining the Instincts, Propensities, and Talents, ... by the Configuration of the Brain and Head
- On the Functions of the Brain and of Each of Its Parts: On the Origin of the Moral Qualities and Intellectual Faculties of Man, and the Conditions of Their Manifestation
- Sur Les Fonctions Du Cerveau Et Sur Celles de Chacune de Ses Parties: Sur l'Organe Des Qualit�s Morales Et Des Facult�s Intellectuelles, Et Sur La Pluralit� Des Organes C�r�braux...