Introducing Cultural Studies (2nd Edition)
Consuming Sport: Fans, Sport and Culture
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Video Games as Culture: Considering the Role and Importance of Video Games in Contemporary Society
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The Sage Dictionary of Leisure Studies
Cosplay and the Art of Play: Exploring Sub-Culture Through Art
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Teorizzare il tifoso sportivo contemporaneo: un'etnografia della base di sostenitori del Manchester Storm
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Théoriser le supporter sportif contemporain: une ethnographie de la base de supporters du Manchester Storm
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Teoretyzowanie współczesnego kibica sportowego: etnografia bazy kibiców Manchesteru Storm
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Teorização do Apoiante Desportivo Contemporâneo: uma etnografia da base de apoio da Tempestade de Manchester
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Theorising the Contemporary Sports Supporter: an ethnography of the supporter base of the Manchester Storm
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Theoretisierung des zeitgenössischen Sportfans
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