- Introduction to Organic Laboratory Techniques: A Microscale Approach (Brooks/Cole Laboratory Series for Organic Chemistry)
- Introduction to Spectroscopy
- Microscale and Macroscale Techniques in the Organic Laboratory + Study Guide, Volume 1 and 2
- A Small Scale Approach to Organic Laboratory Techniques
- A Microscale Approach to Organic Laboratory Techniques
- George S. Kriz
- Donald L. Pavia
- John R. Holum
- Leslie E. Craine
- David J. Hart
- Rodney F. Boyer
- Thomas S. Leeson
- Felix A. Carroll
- Joseph C. Stemple
- F. Robert Bergseth
- Anthony A. Paparo
- Marck, Ed. Schena
- Jean Walrand
- Thomas Sydney Leeson
- Wells Root
- Carroll E. Izard
- Rob Jenkins
- Lara Cardella
- Christopher M. Hadad
- Leslie E. Glaze