- The Grenville Papers: Being the Correspondence of Richard Grenville, Earl Temple, K.G., and the Right Hon: George Grenville, Their Friends and Contemporaries, Volume 3
- M Emoire Sur L'Administration Des Finances de L'Angleterre, Depuis La Paix: Traduit de L'Anglois, Et Augment E de Notes, de Sommaires & D'Une Table Des Sommaires, Ainsi Que D'Une Introduction Qui Cont
- The Regulations Lately Made Concerning the Colonies, and the Taxes Imposed Upon Them, Considered.
- The Grenville papers: being the correspondence of Richard Grenville Earl Temple, K.G., and the Right Hon: George Grenville, their friends and contemporaries. Now first published form the MSS., formerl
- The Speech of a Right Honourable Gentleman