- Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and Their Applications (Pure and Applied Mathematics: A Wiley-Interscience Series of Texts, Monographs and Tracts)
- Advanced Calculus
- Fourier Analysis and Its Applications (Wadsworth and Brooks/Cole Mathematics Series)
- Introduction to Partial Differential Equations. Second Edition
- A Guide to Advanced Real Analysis
- Bruce H. Edwards
- Paul A. Foerster
- Terry Sincich
- Richard Rhoad
- Robert Whipple
- James T. McClave
- Steven M. Bragg
- Wayne Craven
- Sarah F. Zarbock
- Peter Burger
- Ashok Ambardar
- Zohar Manna
- Robert D. Holtz
- Wendy Slatkin
- Moorad Choudhry
- Peter Bürger
- Aaron R. Bradley
- Coopers & Lybrand
- William D. Kovacs
- R. Rhoad