Consumer Psychology for Marketing
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Strategic Marketing Management
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Consumer Psychology in Behavioral Perspective
Consumer Behaviour: A Practical Guide
Context and Cognition: Interpreting Complex Behavior
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The Routledge Companion to Consumer Behavior Analysis
Perspectives on Consumer Choice: From Behavior to Action, from Action to Agency
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Marketing Psychology: The Paradigm In The Wings
The Behavioral Economics of Brand Choice
Consumer choice
Explaining Consumer Choice
Understanding Consumer Choice
Corporate Innovation: Marketing Strategy
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Consumer Behaviour: A Practical Guide
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Addiction as Consumer Choice: Exploring the Cognitive Dimension
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Interpreting Consumer Choice: The Behavioral Perspective Model
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The Theory of the Marketing Firm: Responding to the Imperatives of Consumer-orientation
Consumers in Context: The BPM Research Program
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Exam Prep for Consumer Behaviour by Evans, Jamal & Foxall, 1st Ed
Marketing in the Service Industries: Marketing Service Inds
The Theory of the Marketing Firm: Responding to the Imperatives of Consumer-orientation