- Chemical Process Control: An Introduction to Theory and Practice (Prentice Hall International Series in the Physical and Chemical Engineering Sciences)
- Metabolic Engineering: Principles and Methodologies
- Immobilized Enzymes II
- Advances in Biochemical Engineering, Volume 13: Mass Transfer and Process Control
- New Technological Concepts
- H.R. Haldeman
- Thomas F. Edgar
- Kathleen Willey
- Clarence Darrow
- Steven Labensky
- Carl M. Cannon
- John H. Crawford
- Daniel A. Crowl
- Susanne Everet
- Matt Pietrek
- Eric A. Johnson
- Shane O'Sullivan
- Mac Maharaj
- Burton Hersh
- Paul A. Rossi
- Benjamin Carter Hett
- Karl-Heinz Reuband
- Robert M. Citino
- Charles A. Wood
- Michael W. Austin