- A Letter To Earl Bathurst, Secretary Of State For The Colonial Department On The Condition Of The Colonies In New South Wales And Vandieman's Land
- Letter To Viscount Sidmouth: On The Transportation Laws, The State Of The Hulks, And Of The Colonies In New South Wales
- Letter to Viscount Sidmouth, Secretary of State for the Home Department, On the Transportation Laws, the State of the Hulks, and of the Colonies in New South Wales
- A letter to the Common Council and Livery of the city of London, on the abuses existing in Newgate: showing the necessity of an immediate reform in the management of that prison.
- A Letter to Earl Bathurst, Secretary of State for the Colonial Department, on the Condition of the Colonies in New South Wales and Vandieman's Land, as Set Forth in the Evidence Taken Before the Priso