- Impacts of Selenium on the Biogeochemical Cycles of Mercury in Terrestrial Ecosystems in Mercury Mining Areas
- 使用中文 、英文 、法文詞匯 2 4 0 0 (四級 - Level 4 - B2) & 7 2 0 0 (六級 - Level 6 - C2) Chinese, English & French Words in Use Mots Chinois, Anglais & Fran�ais
- 使用中文 、英文 、法文詞匯 5 4 0 (二級 - Level 2 - A2) & 2 4 0 0 (四級 - Level 4 - B2) Chinese, English & French words in use Mots chinois, anglais & français en usage
- Spacecraft Electromagnetic Compatibility Technologies
- Signal Processing in X-ray Pulsar-based Navigation