- A Career Girl's Guide to Becoming a Stepmom: Expert Advice from Other Stepmoms on How to Juggle Your Job, Your Marriage, and Your New Stepkids
- Climbing the Mountain: Stories of Hope and Healing After Stroke and Brain Injury
- Dear You: It's Time for a Leap of Faith
- Dear You: Messages from Your Heart
- Dear You: Believe the Wisdom of Your Heart
- Gregory K. Popcak
- Barbara LeBey
- David Gudgel
- Carrie Denny
- Shandon Fowler
- Jann Blackstone-Ford
- Scott Stratten
- Christie Hartman
- Vanessa Fox
- Sally Bjornsen
- Sharyl Jupe
- Quirk Books Staff
- Teri Wingender
- Perdita K. Norwood
- Izzy Rose
- Louise Oxhorn
- Janet Meiners Thaeler
- Ayesha Gallion
- Alison Kramer
- Brent Gudgel