- Breaking Soul Ties: Freedom from the Root of Toxic Relationships
- Deer Hunting for Beginners: The Ultimate Guide to Getting Started Hunting Deer: Tactics and Strategies for Tracking and Bagging Deer in North America (Happier Outdoors)
- The Well-Grounded Java Developer
- The Art & Craft of Coffee Cocktails: Over 80 recipes for mixing coffee and liquor
- Church in the Present Tense: A Candid Look at What's Emerging (ēmersion: Emergent Village resources for communities of faith)
- Becca Stevens
- Marty Mann
- Christopher Cavanaugh
- Kogan Page
- Joel Clark
- Lewis Meyer
- Kathleen S
- Ivor I. Sikorsky
- Jan Masaoka
- Laura Van Dernoot Lipsky
- Andy Roman
- Lisa Barnes Lampman
- Susan E. Murphy
- Paul Barton Doyle
- John Vanderplank
- Gregory Acs
- David J. Armor
- Pamela Loprest
- Tony J. Tallarico
- Ellen A. Ensher