An Abridgement of the Institution of the Christian Religion;
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The Institutes of the Christian Religion; Volume 3
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Institutes of the Christian Religion; Volume 1
Ioannis Calvini prælectiones: in librvm prophetiarvm Jeremiæ, et Lamentationes
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Ioannis Calvini Institutio Christianae Religionis, Volume 2... - Primary Source Edition
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Ioannis Calvini Tractatus Theologici Omnes: In Unum Volumen Certis Classibus Congesti: Quorum Aliqui NEC Latine NEC Gallice Prius Editi Fuerunt
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Tracts Relating to the Reformation; Volume 3
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Institutes of the Christian Religion; a New Translation by Henry Beveridge; Volume 3
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Stoicheiosis tes Christianon pisteos = Rudimenta fidei Christianae, siue catechismus: Huic adiunctus nunc est Catechismus alius magis compendarius
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A Commentary on the Psalms of David; Volume 3
Mosis libri V: Cum Iohannis Caluini commentariis; Genesis seorsum, reliqui quatuor in formam harmoniae digesti
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A Treatise on the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper
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Secret Providence..
Opera quae supersunt omnia
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Ioannis Calvini commentarii integri in Acta apostolorum
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An Abridgement of the Institution of the Christian Religion Writen by M. Ihon Caluin
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Ioannis Calvini Opuscula omnia in unum volumen collecta: Quibus accessit libellus nuc primùm editus, De aeterna Dei praedestinatione, adversus Albertù ... in his opusculis obiter...
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Institution de la religion chrestienne; Tome 2
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An Abridgement of the Institution of the Christian Religion Writen by M. Ihon Caluin: Wherein Briefe and Sound Aunsweres to the Objections of the Adversaries Are Set Downe
Christianae religionis institutio: Totam ferè pietatis summã & quicquid est in doctrina salutis cognitu necessarium complectens: omnibus pietatis ... regem franciae, qua hic...
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Ioannis Calvini prælectiones: In librvm prophetiarvm Jeremiæ, et Lamentationes
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Theological Treatises; 22
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On the Christian Faith; Selections From the Institutes, Commentaries, and Tracts
Commentary Upon the Epistle of Saint Paul to the Romans
A Commentary on the Psalms of David; Volume 2
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Oeuvres françoises de J. Calvin: Recueillies pour la premiere fois. Precedees de sa vie par Theodore de Beze et d'une notice bibliographique par P.L. Jacob
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Opera quae supersunt omnia
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An Abridgement of the Institution of the Christian Religion;
In librum Psalmorum
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A Commentarie of John Calvine Upon the First Booke of Moses Called Genesis