The Travels of Ermine: The World Tour
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Atticus Claw On the Misty Moor
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Atticus Claw Hears a Roar
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Guinea Pigs Online: Viking Victory
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Atticus Claw Breaks the Law
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Atticus Claw Settles a Score
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The Big London Treasure Hunt (The Travels of Ermine (who is very determined))
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Chicken Mission: Danger in the Deep Dark Woods
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Chicken Mission: The Curse of Fogsham Farm
Trouble in New York (The Travels of Ermine (who is very determined))
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Culinary Diplomacy’s Role in the Immigrant Experience: Fiction and Memoirs of Middle Eastern Women
Gray - Les populations mal desservies dans l'enseignement des sciences: Amélioration par la participation à la communauté d'apprentissage
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Gray - Populações mal servidas na educação científica: Melhoria Através da Participação da Comunidade de Aprendizagem
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Trouble in New York
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Chicken Mission: The Mystery of Stormy Island
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Chaos in Cluckbridge
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Gray - Underserved Populations in Science Education
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