- Arco Mechanical Aptitude and Spatial Relations Tests
- Mechanical Aptitude & Spatial Relations Test (Mechanical Aptitude and Spatial Relations Tests)
- Mechanical Aptitude and Spatial Relations Tests (Arco Academic Test Preparation Series)
- Essential Math for College-Bound Students
- NY State Teacher Certification Exam
- Norman Levy
- Seppy Basili
- Trent Anderson
- Tom Whyte
- Luis A. Rosado
- Dorothy Powell
- Philip Birnbaum
- Gina Pannozzo
- Kathleen M. Cauley
- Kit Prate
- Karen Damphousse
- Betty Crocker
- Marcella Kehus
- Gail Baugher Kuenstler
- Oliver Striker
- Renee G. Dingler
- Frances van Tassell
- Adelmann Maria
- Caren Walker
- &. Levy Levy