- The Crafts and Culture of the Ancient Hebrews (Crafts of the Ancient World)
- The Crafts and Culture of the Romans (Crafts of the Ancient World)
- The Crafts and Culture of the Ancient Egyptians (Crafts of the Ancient World)
- The Crafts And Culture of a Medieval Manor (Crafts of the Middle Ages)
- The Crafts and Culture of a Medieval Castle
- Jason Netelkos
- Philippe Mailhebiau
- Curtis A. Bradley
- Carl Dubitsky
- F.E. Johnson
- James T. Stout
- Jeff Eisenberg
- Connie Clark
- Linda Gannon
- Sharon Burch
- Dale A. Matthews
- Peter S. Catches Sr.
- Benjamin A. Watson
- Reg Martin
- Ben Zion Bokser
- Michele C. Hollow
- Kevin R. Grazier
- Hubert H. Crawford
- Sharon Kebschull Barrett
- B. Hunt