- Aura Energy For Health, Healing & Balance
- Psychic Vampires: Protection From Energy Predators & Parasites
- Beyond Reincarnation: Experience Your Past Lives & Lives Between Lives
- Psychic Empowerment: A 7-Day Plan for Self-Development (Strategies for Success)
- Astral Projection and Psychic Empowerment : Techniques for Mastering the Out-Of-Body Experience
- Terry L. Paulson
- Carl Llewellyn Weschcke
- Nancy Carlsson-Paige
- Peggy Ann Hardigree
- Arthur Jeon
- Susan Murcott
- Carol Cumes
- Tania Bayard
- Jenifer Marshall Lippincott
- Robin M. Deutsch
- Karen Grace Kassy
- Kenneth Irving
- Richard G. Patton
- Nicholas Campion
- Leslie A. Miller
- The Crew of Pike Place Fish
- Howard G. Charing
- Mary Fortier Shea
- Francis Hapgood Elmore
- Bryan Jarr