- The Healthy House: How to Buy One, How to Build One, How to Cure a "Sick" One
- Healthy House Building for the New Millennium
- Understanding Ventilation: How to Design, Select, and Install Residential Ventilation Systems
- After the Harvest, Indiana's historic grain elevators and feed mills
- Silent Workplace: Shops, stores, businesses, and factories where Hoosiers once earned a living
- Marcella O. Lynch
- Mark J. Britzman
- John G. Dunbar
- Annette Carruthers
- Allan W. Miller
- Marcella Lyncn
- Eugene Manlove Rhodes
- Charles Davey
- Roaring Fork Restaurant
- Simon Marsden
- Martin Wood
- David Batson
- James Archer Abbott
- Kaui Philpotts
- Charmaine Yabsley
- Jamee Gregory
- Robert McGrath
- Lorenza DeMedici
- Mary Philpotts Mcgrath
- Abner Doubleday