- Long Island: A Scenic Discovery
- The Church History of Scotland, From the Commencement of the Christian era to the Present Century
- Wolves, Sheep and Sheepdogs: A Leader's Guide to Information Security
- The Church History of Scotland, Vol. 2 of 2: From the Commencement of the Christian Era, to the Present Century (Classic Reprint)
- A Selection of Precedents of Pleading Under the Judicature Acts in the Common Law Divisions: With Notes Explanatory of the Different Causes of Action and Grounds of Defence (Classic Reprint)
- Alexander K. McClure
- Francis A. Lord
- Andrew Uffindell
- William Dwyer
- Ross Phares
- Chris DeRose
- Mark Feeney
- Robert J. Trout
- Frederic E. Ray
- John M. Coski
- James Edward Kelly
- William Watson
- Joseph R. Ornig
- Joseph L. Harsh
- Daniel Buchwalter
- Bradley M. Gottfried
- James Livingwood
- Proctor Patterson Jones
- Garnet Wolseley
- G. Govan