- Quick Escapes Washington, D.C., 6th: Getaways from the Nation's Capital (Quick Escapes Series)
- Catechism on Modernism According to the Encyclical 'Pascendi Dominici Gregis' of his Holiness Pius X
- This Much
- Sculpture in My Head: A Collection of Lyrics, Poems and Thoughts That Breathe in Me.
- Catechism on Modernism According to the Encyclical 'Pascendi Dominici Gregis' of his Holiness Pius X
- Hilary Bower
- Loren E. Golitz
- Ewa Carrier
- Samuel J. Stegman
- Susan K. Stewart
- Candace Matthews
- Ben H. Senturia
- Mike B. Siroky
- John M. Fitzpatrick
- Jack D. Sobel
- Mary Jo Kirkpatrick
- Luis R. Espinoza
- Peter H. Schur
- A. Dooms-Goossens
- Jeffrey P. Callen
- Lawrence A. Schachner
- Olga Van den Akker
- Jerry Shapiro
- José A. Vázquez
- Donald Y.M. Leung