- Collectanea Relating to Manchester and Its Neighbourhood, at Various Periods
- Mamecestre: Being Chapters from the Early Recorded History of the Barony; the Lordship Or Manor; the Vill, Borough, Or Town, of Manchester, Volume 58
- The House and Farm Accounts of the Shuttleworths of Gawthorpe Hall: In the County of Lancaster, at Smithils and Gawthorpe, from September 1582 to October 1621, Volume 46
- Three Lancashire Documents of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries: Comprising: I.--The Great De Lacy Inquisition, Feb. 16, 1311. Ii.--The Survey of ... Manor of Ashton-Under-Lyne, November 11, 1422
- A Glossary of Words Used in Swaledale, Yorkshire, Volume 4, issue 1