- Empire Builders: An Illustrated History of the Rise and Fall of Cleveland's Van Sweringen Brothers
- Cleveland Then and Now (Then & Now)
- Sports in Cleveland: An Illustrated History
- Cleveland: A history in motion : transportation, industry & community in Northeast Ohio
- Cleveland's Cultural Gardens: A Landscape of Diversity
- Time-Life Books
- Michael Heatley
- Robert Cameron
- Elizabeth McNulty
- Ian Westwell
- Martin Howard
- Alexander D. Mitchell IV
- Joann Padgett
- Marc Sandalow
- Edward Arthur Mauger
- Ken Fitzgerald
- Paul Froiland
- Hanje Richards
- William Dylan Powell
- Jim Sutton
- Heinl Russ
- Diane Ewart Grabowski
- Nelson Price
- John H. Akers
- Paul Scharbach